Friday, November 6, 2015

Illustrator: The Very Beginning

As I said in my previous post I am not the biggest fan of Illustrator. It is not the easiest program to start off with, so I definitely recommend starting off with Photoshop and working your way too Illustrator instead of the other way around. Not to say that both are exactly the same in set up and option, they are not! But it will help you get accustomed to the Adobe Suite a little bit better before starting on Illustrator.

Illustrator is similar in the sense of layout to Photoshop. Pretty much all of the Adobe Suite programs will essentially look the same in layout. Illustrator is a lot different on implementing an image into it. If you are attempting to edit an image in Illustrator...STOP! That is what Photoshop is for. Do not making it harder than it has to be by trying to edit an image in illustrator. You will not get the same options and flexibility as in Photoshop. I have attempted this and trust me it is just a waste of time and a huge pain trying to force this program to do what it wasn't designed for.

To start off with Illustrator you have to get comfortable with the tools and areas of other editing features. I am not going to walk you through each and every single tool and item. Let's just say it would take my hours and maybe even days! There are a lot of options for you designers to utilize in editing their vector based art. Getting back to what are vectors, this is what we used while using illustrator. Vectors are not pixelated items, but use mathematical algorithms to create a design. If you'd like to visually see the difference between raster and vector scroll back a few blog posts.

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